Who are we at Rock of Ages?

Rock of Ages Lutheran Church has been serving the greater Nashville area with God's Word since 1971. Since 1976 we have been located in a quiet neighborhood in Madison, TN. We are close to I-65, Old Hickory Blvd, and Gallatin Pike. Rock of ages is a congregation with both long time and new members from many different walks of life and backgrounds. Our members enjoy the fellowship and "family-feel" of our congregation. We are a congregation committed to the truths of God's Word and to teaching those truths to others. We are a part of a group of more than 1200 churches called the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). The WELS is a world-wide church body with congregations throughout the United States. The WELS also serves over 25 countries thorugh world mission work. If you are looking for a church home, please accept our invitation to find out more about Rock of Ages! You can contact Interim Pastor Schleis via e-mail or via phone/text at 615-865-2228. I look forward to speaking with you! 

What does Rock of Ages believe?

"Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." (Matthew 7:24) In an ever changing world, the truths of our Christian faith remain constant. Here is a quick summary of some of those truths. The Bible is God's Word. It is absolute truth - free of error and as relevant for our lives today as it was the day it was written. We strive to teach no more and no less than what the Bible teaches. We believe that the God of the Bible is the only true God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Only through faith in Jesus Christ do we have a relationship with the one true God. We believe that we are people like you - who were born in sin, have continued in that sin, and owe a debt because of that sin to God. We cannot begin to pay that debt back - no matter how hard we try. We believe that we are people like you, whom Jesus Christ rescued from all the consequences of sin through his life, death, and resurrection for the world. We believe that the forgiveness of sins and eternal life Jesus won for the world are offered to us in the means of grace - God's Word, Baptism, and the Lord's Supper. We recieve these gifts by faith. We are committed to sharing the good news of Jesus with those in our congregation as well as with our community. For a more detailed look at our confession of faith, please visit the WELS website. If you would like to talk more about this, please e-mail or call/text Interim Pastor Schleis at 615-865-2228. We'd love to hear from you!